š¦ Leviathan
A Living, Swimming Level
The Leviathan was built as a large-scale boss for InnerSpace. In addition to being a fully animated creature moving around the world, both interior and exterior are fully-navigable, submersible levels.
Likely the most complex entity in the game, the model and level design of this creature/boss/level were tightly coupled. Both went through multiple development iterations as the concept evolved from a walking creature to one that freely swims, dives, & resurfaces.
Exterior Level Elements
Both interior and exterior were designed as navigable levels for players
Interaction Block-in
A very early cross section of the interior and exterior interactions.
Design & Concept art by Eric Grossman
Exterior Level Elements
Both interior and exterior were designed as navigable levels for players
Whitebox Integration
I worked closely with Eric Grossman (Level Design & Concept Art on InnerSpace) to test, iterate, & integrate his whitebox into the Leviathan model itself.
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